About the Group
Have you ever learned a ton from reading a badly written book? Have you fallen in love with a book, getting lost in the lyricism and desperately want to discuss it with someone with a like mind? Then the Writers' Book Club is for you! We'll meet once a month to discuss fiction novels (of any genre) selected by the members to pick them apart and learn from them. The group meets on Zoom the third Thursday of each month at 8 PM Eastern time. All group information is cross-posted at Goodreads and my website. Check it out at: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/1218421-the-writers-book-club OR https://www.shannonccnedelka.com/writersbookclub. You can also join directly on my website and you'll benefit from emailed meeting summaries and other nifty articles, references and resources from other group members.
We've got plenty of room for new members. We'd love to have you!
- Inspiration
- Discussion
- Reading
- Have workshop experience