About the Group
Established poets
Meant for established poets who need another set of editorial eyes, this workshop meets every week to workshop one poem per author. While the ultimate shape of the poem remains the job of the poet, well versed readers of poetry can provide insights that might have passed right by the writer during the creation or self-editing process. Sometimes we get too close to our own work. That's when a workshop like this helps.
Come-when-you-can group
This is a come-when-you-can group. Some of us can manage, even delight in, a weekly nudge, or shot of accountability. Some of us can't. If you join, and thereby gain access to the folder, then on weeks when you can come, you put a poem in the folder. All of the rest of us will make suggestions and comments on the document. If you are not planning on coming, then don't upload a poem, because often the conversation about your piece is where the real help comes from. If you want to come just to edit and talk about the work of other present members, you can do that too.
Time and day
Thursday nights, 9-11PM Atlantic time, or 8-10 Eastern.
Zoom link will be in the shared folder available to members of the group.
- Workshop
- Published in literary journal