About the Group

This group is for writers in New York City who have a full (or substantial) draft written and are interested in giving and getting genuine critique from other serious writers looking to publish. 

This group would meet once or twice a month, and each member would share their piece in advance for critical review by the other members in the form of in-line comments and a summary of the work's key strengths and improvements. During the meeting, the group would further discuss the commentary and help the writer determine their path for revision. The ideal size of this group would be 3-6 members, and ideally the meetings would take place in person in New York (either at someone's apartment, or a laid-back public space [i.e. Caffe Reggio]).

Although I would be open to considering all types of writers, my ideal group would be literary or general fiction writers who have experience in giving high level critique (i.e. a bachelor's or above in English/Creative Writing). 

A little about me: My name is Molly, and I'm a 26-year old writer living in the Lower East Side. I graduated with my bachelor's in English and a minor in Writing from the University of Northern Colorado in 2020, and published my debut novel, Blue Ink, through the hybrid-publisher New Degree Press shortly after that. I currently have a complete draft of a literary fiction novel (with speculative elements) that I've been querying agents with but which needs another round of revisions. And my plan is to start writing a new literary fiction novel this year. In addition to writing, I work both in operations and as a freelance editor with a ghostwriting/editing firm, Kevin Anderson & Associates, and I have experience as the assistant to a literary agent, so I feel that my publishing insider knowledge could be an asset to a critique group of serious writers looking to get published.

Genres of Interest: Commercial Fiction Fiction Literary Fiction
Group meets for:
  • Critique
  • Workshop
Preferred Publishing/Workshop Experience:
  • Have workshop experience
new york city hand writing


New York, NY
United States

Meeting preference: Meets in person
Max group size: 6
Languages: English
Group Members: Currently has 5 members
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